Re: Gtk2::ImageView memory issue

2009/3/7 muppet <scott asofyet org>:
Simplest is to wrap it:

I should have thought of that... Unfortunately, it's not being called. I have:

static void
wrap_gdk_pixbuf_draw_cache_free (void * the_thing)
   g_print ("OMG I'M ABOUT TO FREE A GdkPixbufDrawCache AT %p\n", the_thing);
   gdk_pixbuf_draw_cache_free (the_thing);

gdk_pixbuf_draw_cache_get_type(void) {
    static GType t = 0;
    if (!t) {
        t = g_boxed_type_register_static("GdkPixbufDrawCache",
                                         (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_boxed_copy,
    return t;

which compiles OK, but just doesn't get called when I undef the $cache
or it goes out of scope.

g_boxed_type_register_static is being called OK, so I guess the
problem is that GBoxedFreeFunc isn't being triggered. But now I am out
of my depth...

Any ideas?


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