Re: Problem setting icon for Gtk2::StatusIcon

On Mon, 2 Mar 2009 20:49:05 +0100
January Weiner <january weiner gmail com> wrote:

Here is similar code, that does not use sleep.
I sped it up to 3 secs for visual effect.  Sleep will get
you into trouble in eventloop apps.... do not design with it,
unless you really know what is happening behind the scenes.
Learn about threads, forks, backticks, and piped-opens.

use strict   ;
use warnings ;
use Gtk2::TrayIcon;


my $toggle = 1;

my $status_icon = Gtk2::TrayIcon->new("test");
my $image = Gtk2::Image->new_from_stock('gtk-apply', 'menu' ) ;
my $image1 = Gtk2::Image->new_from_stock('gtk-refresh', 'menu' ) ;

$status_icon->add( $image ) ;

# speeded up the 5 sec delay
my $timer = Glib::Timeout->add( 2000, \&update ) ;

Gtk2->main() ;
exit( 0 ) ;

sub update {
  $toggle *= -1;  # +1 or -1 toggle

# thread or fork off long running subs here and change icon
# accordingly

  if($toggle < 0){
     $image->set_from_stock('gtk-refresh', 'menu' ) ;
     while( Gtk2->events_pending() ) { Gtk2->main_iteration() ; }
       $image->set_from_stock('gtk-apply', 'menu' ) ;
       while( Gtk2->events_pending() ) { Gtk2->main_iteration() ; }

 return 1 ;



I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth. 

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