Re: Installing Gtk::GladeXML

On Jun 29, 2009, at 12:00 PM, Tijmen van der Burgt wrote:

When I execute a basic Perl Gtk2::GladeXML script:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use Gtk2 -init;
use Gtk2::GladeXML;

my $gui = Gtk2::GladeXML->new("");

It returns the following error:

Can't locate auto/Gtk2/GladeXML/ in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/ perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0 /usr/ lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 / usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at line 9

Note the lack of any /home/cafaro paths in @INC.

So I check to see if this module is installed properly:

cpan[1]> test Gtk2::GladeXML
CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.18)
Going to read /home/cafaro/.cpan/Metadata
  Database was generated on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 11:26:59 GMT
CPAN: YAML loaded ok (v0.68)
Going to read /home/cafaro/.cpan/build/
Found 2 old builds, restored the state of 2
Running test for module 'Gtk2::GladeXML'
Running make for T/TS/TSCH/Gtk2-GladeXML-1.007.tar.gz
Prepending /home/cafaro/.cpan/build/CPAN-1.9402-rzqtdu/blib/arch / home/cafaro/.cpan/build/CPAN-1.9402-rzqtdu/blib/lib /home/ cafaro/.cpan/build/Gtk2-GladeXML-1.007-5kSil5/blib/arch /home/ cafaro/.cpan/build/Gtk2-GladeXML-1.007-5kSil5/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/cafaro/.cpan/build/ Gtk2-GladeXML-1.007-5kSil5 Prepending /home/cafaro/.cpan/build/CPAN-1.9402-rzqtdu/blib/arch / home/cafaro/.cpan/build/CPAN-1.9402-rzqtdu/blib/lib /home/ cafaro/.cpan/build/Gtk2-GladeXML-1.007-5kSil5/blib/arch /home/ cafaro/.cpan/build/Gtk2-GladeXML-1.007-5kSil5/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make'
  Has already been made
Prepending /home/cafaro/.cpan/build/CPAN-1.9402-rzqtdu/blib/arch / home/cafaro/.cpan/build/CPAN-1.9402-rzqtdu/blib/lib /home/ cafaro/.cpan/build/Gtk2-GladeXML-1.007-5kSil5/blib/arch /home/ cafaro/.cpan/build/Gtk2-GladeXML-1.007-5kSil5/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test'
Running make test
  Has already been tested successfully

It appears it is installed. I also tried to build the module manually, but still no success.

Erm, not exactly. That showed that the tests ran successfully in an unpacked and built source tree under ~/.cpan/build. It didn't show installing, and it didn't run the tests against any installed version.

Are there any other possibilities to solve this issue? Thanks.

From what you posted, i will guess that you used cpan as a user to install this module, and it went to, most likely, ~/lib or ~/perl. Neither of those is in your perl's @INC by default, and neither appears to be in PERL5LIB.

So, find where you installed the module, and add the path to that library to your PERL5LIB. The README for Gtk2::GladeXML should have an example.

Teeter tots are shaped like marshmallows.
  -- Zella.

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