Re: segv on stack extending

Torsten Schoenfeld <kaffeetisch gmx de> writes:

Yeah, I think this is what's happening.  Unfortunately,
Glib::Object::get also uses ST in the loop to access the global stack
pointer directly.

Ah, yep, another where PPCODE unhelpfully pops your args at the start of
the func.  (If you're foolish enough to PUTBACK :-)

But maybe there's a better way?

What about leaving the names on the stack and replacing progressively
with the results.  (Note the change from PPCODE: to CODE:, the latter
not using a local "SP" at all and not popping anything until you
XSRETURN ... umm, if I'm right about that.)

--- GObject.xs  19 Aug 2008 08:25:23 +1000      1.76
+++ GObject.xs  02 Sep 2008 08:45:57 +1000      
@@ -1190,16 +1190,17 @@
        GValue value = {0,};
        int i;
-    PPCODE:
+    CODE:
        PERL_UNUSED_VAR (ix);
        EXTEND (SP, items-1);
        for (i = 1; i < items; i++) {
                char *name = SvPV_nolen (ST (i));
                init_property_value (object, name, &value);
                g_object_get_property (object, name, &value);
-               PUSHs(sv_2mortal(_gperl_sv_from_value_internal(&value, TRUE)));
+               ST(i-1) = sv_2mortal(_gperl_sv_from_value_internal(&value, TRUE));
                g_value_unset (&value);
+       XSRETURN(items-1);
 =for apidoc Glib::Object::set

For a happy marriage a woman needs a man who makes plenty of money, a man
who's attentive in the bedroom, a man who's a good father, and a man who can
do bits of renovation around the house.  Then all she has to worry about is
making sure those four blokes never meet.

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