Re: sending keystrokes to applications

Gabor Szabo wrote:
For testing purposes I am trying to send keystrokes to the application.
In the t/ directory of Gtk2 I found several cases where a signal was connected
to a function and then the test uses signal_emit to invoke that signal handler.

For GUI testing, you might want to have a look at Dogtail and/or LDTP.


First of all I could only send keys with a modifier (such as Ctr-S)

$Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{s}, 'control-mask');

but I could not figure out how to send a simple F1 or 's'.

The third argument is of type Gtk2::Gdk::ModifierType, which is a flags
value.  That means it can also be empty, which is achieved by using
undef or [].

Then, while I could make use of the above code witin the application
when it was in the
test script it did not react. As I understand it is because the Gtk2->main loop
does not work in the test. Can I somehow solve this?

You can either run the main loop and then stop it from some callback via
Gtk2->main_quit, or you can try running just enough main loop iterations:

  while (Gtk2->events_pending ()) {
    Gtk2->main_iteration ();


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