Re: I wrote a gtk2-perl application, need advice

--- Mitchell Laks <mlaks post harvard edu> wrote:

1) A professional software engineer would know where to put things in a /usr/share and /usr/bin.
I have all the code 
and data  in my current directory and subdirectories. What is the next step?

Perhaps I want to write my data to /usr/share/Cybergaon/MTR/*, and the application to
or something like /usr/share/local/bin/ Suggestions?

Well, my approach is to organize a tree and to put the script and modules/libraries the
script depends on into the the tree.

Also, the script should calculate location of libraries/modules it depends on (the ones
you wrote) according to $0.

In such a manner you get "position-independent" (in terms of filesystem) tool,
so you and/or end users can put the script tree wherever they like.

In the Windows world it is called nowadays "portable applications".

I'm writing all my scripts this way.


Applications From Scratch:


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