Drag & Drop Icons Not Displaying (Windows)

My drag and drop icons appear as black silhouettes of what they actually should be.


I’m curious to know if I am doing something wrong, or is this something that other windows Gtk2-Perl users have experienced as well, or possible that this is a bug that has since been resolved. I am using the installation available from http://www.lostmind.de/gtk2-perl/ and running windows XP. I have tested this on two machines – however they both used the packages from the site above and both run WindowsXP.


Is anyone else using this installation and experiencing/not experiencing this problem?


 Here is a snippet of code that generates the issue:


    $treeview->drag_source_set(['button1_mask'],['copy','move'],{target => 'STRING', flags => [], info => 0});

    $treeview->signal_connect('drag-data-get', \&on_winScheduler_treeEmployee_drag_data_get);





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