Re: TreeModelFilter modify func

On May 2, 2008, at 7:26 PM, Kevin Ryde wrote:

Is there a trick to giving back the value in a set_modify_func function
in a TreeModelFilter?  I wondered if it was/is/meant-to-be a return
value.  Maybe as per below?

< GtkTreeModelFilter .t.set_modify.diff><GtkTreeModelFilter.xs.set_modify.diff>

Hrm. Yeah, that looks suspect. We pass in the value, but don't marshal it back. So, while changing the behavior at this point could be considered an API break, nobody could really be using this successfully at present.

The patch looks okay, and it's only the API stability issues that worry me.

Of course, google code search turns up the unit test as the only use of set_modify_func() in web-accessible perl code...

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