Gtk2::ComboBox get_active_text Error

Hi all,

I try the samples from the gtk2-perl_study, and i am confused by the
error now.

Can't locate object method "get_active_text" via package
"Gtk2::ComboBox" at ./ line 88.
*** unhandled exception in callback:
***   Can't locate object method "get_active_text" via package
"Gtk2::ComboBox" at ./ line 53.
***  ignoring at ./ line 22.

It seems that in the library, the method get_active_text doesn't exist.

But the Gtk2 is the newest version: Gtk2-1.181.tar.gz. I also reinstall
the Gtk2, but i still can't fix the error.

Can anyone give me some hints?

OS: SunOS 5.10     



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