Re: Perl bindings for libaosd: v0.01

Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:

Then you need to alter the constructor so it can be used as
X11::Aosd->new and just ignores the class name:

Aosd *
      /* void */

Then remove every method in

Is there a better way than building the Perl object on a scalar 
reference to Aosd*?

In typemap, you specify that T_PTROBJ is to be used for Aosd*.  That
means that whenever a Aosd* pointer is encountered, it automatically
gets wrapped as an opaque scalar.  So that should be fine.

This way I get a blessed AosdPtr SCALAR ref and Perl can't find any of 
the binded methods in the AosdPtr package (hmm, is this namespace 
pollution acceptable?) - only new() and DESTROY() work as expected now 

Obviously I'm missing something. X11/ is more or less empty 
(besides XSLoader, AUTOLOADER and constants stuff) and I added the 
PREFIX to the MODULE line.



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