Re: Introduction and question

On Jul 15, 2008, at 2:40 PM, Sergei Steshenko wrote:

[snip untrimmed quote of entire previous message]

(Please do trim your quotes when replying. That helps make it clearer to which part you are responding.)

One should have very special reason to use 'local' in Perl, I haven't had
such a reason for probably more than 10 years.

So, I suggest not to use 'local'.

Excellent advice.


local *DIR;
opendir DIR

should better be replaced with

opendir(my $dh, $dir) or die "cannot open '$dir' directory";

'local' creates a global entity - why one would need this ?

To be fair, file handles are globs, which are global by default; using local on file handles is a common idiom, and one very popular in documentation and training materials.

But i agree, using lexical file handles is much cleaner.

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