Re: Gtk2::FileChooserDialog

On Jul 9, 2008, at 7:21 AM, Paul Miller wrote:

I have a simple dialog with a text entry, some little things and an OK button.

When I'm in the Gtk2::Entry box, typing, and hit Enter, it seems to me it aught to click OK for me since I set the set_default_response for the Gtk2::Dialog. If I'm sitting on the Gtk2::CheckButton next to it, hitting enter submits the form...

And I noticed that in the Entry box for FileChooserDialog s, enter submits the default response for the dialog. So there must be some way to connect the Entry widget to the dialog. How is that done?

  $entry->set_activates_default (TRUE);

Leia/Lois:  Aren't you a little fat for a stormtrooper?
Luke/Chris: Well, stay here and rot, you stuck-up bitch.
  -- Family Guy, "Blue Harvest" (A "Star Wars" parody)

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