Re: treeview selected row signal

On Jun 30, 2008, at 4:01 PM, anguila wrote:

I have a treeview and when I click to one of those rows with the signal cursor-changed I can change the name of a label. Also I have 2 buttons, the first one to add a new row to the treeview and the other to remove rows. When I remove a selected row I select the row before (widget->select). When I click to the row it works, it changes the label, but when i click to the remove button, only select the row before and doesn't change the label. How can I activate the cursor changed signal when I select a row with ->select? Or is a selected row signal or atleast something like that?

Try connecting to the "changed" signal on the TreeView's TreeSelection object, instead. This lets you know every time the TreeView's selection changes for any reason.

For example:

    $treeview->get_selection ()->signal_connect (changed => sub {
            my ($selection) = @_;
            my ($model, $iter) = $selection->get_selected ();
            if (defined $iter) {
                my $name = $model->get ($iter, NAME_COLUMN);
                $name_label->set_text ($name);

                $delete_row_button->set_sensitive (TRUE);
            } else {
                # can't delete a row if no row is selected
                $delete_row_button->set_sensitive (FALSE);

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