Re: Forcing TreeView column widths while still allowing user resizing

muppet <scott asofyet org> writes:

        sizing => 'fixed',           # do NOT autosize...
        fixed_width => $l->{width},  # use this, instead.
        resizable => TRUE,           # unless the user does something.

Yes, I've had success with that.

my @cols = (
    { title => 'One',   type => 'Glib::String', default_width => 45 },

I calculate my starting widths from some "em"s or digit widths or string
width, so as to follow the font.  I guess for perfection you'd ask the
renderer(s) how wide they are on some sample data settings.

The Copenhagen Interpretation elucidated for the layman:
  You can't be sure until you see for yourself.

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