Re: Release: 2008.233.0533Z-odin

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 3:28 AM, Grant McLean <grant mclean net nz> wrote:
Hi Brian (or should I call you Spicy?)
Brian works.

The downside of all this was that I experienced Windows again for the
first time in a while and was reminded of what a woeful environment it
is for getting things done :-(
It's not so bad; I have a copy of gvim installed, Camelbox includes a
decent shell that I can actually write POSIX-compatable shell scripts
for, the scripts I have written have generally run on *NIX and Windows
if I originally programmed them that way (no hardcoding of paths for
example).  Firefox works the same on both platforms.  It's not as
seksi as my Mac, but it's still livable.  For computers that can't be
slicked to run something besides Windows (like my work laptop), it's
another option.



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