Re: Fun with ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Windows import libraries

spicy jack wrote:
I've been working on getting the Gtk2-Perl stack to compile under
MSWin32 without as much pain as there is now.  Windows has something
called 'import libraries' [1], which currently I have to create by
hand when I compile Cairo and Glib in order to get Gtk2 to compile.  I
create these import libraries by hacking up the Makefile and adding
something similar to this:

I don't have this problem on Windows XP with gtk+ 2.12.9, Visual Studio 6.0,
perl 5.8.8 from ActiveState, and CVS checkouts of our modules.  Glib, Gtk2,
and Gtk2::GladeXML compile and pass all their tests.

I'm not sure if it's still necessary, but at some point in the past,
ExtUtils::MakeMaker had to be patched to not discard important linker
arguments.  See <>.

If you're using perl 5.10, you'll need to patch ExtUtils::Depends as in the
attached patch.  I'll commit it shortly.

Also, Storable still seems to be broken on win32, so you might have to set the
environment variable FORCE_DATA_DUMPER.  muppet, maybe we should default to
using Data::Dumper on win32?

1) I created a dynamic_lib method in the Makefile.PL for
Cairo/Glib/Gtk2, and added Makefile code similar to the above.  It
didn't work, as MakeHelper overrides my dynamic_lib method later on in
order to quiet things somewhere.  I disabled dynamic_lib in MakeHelper
and my overridden dynamic_lib method gets fired.  Is there a better
place for my extra code than the dynamic_lib method?  Oh,  I just
found the extra copy of in the Glib source, I'm now
doing my sad panda face :( is the place for this kind of fiddling, I think.  Cairo and Glib
have separate's because Cairo can't depend on Glib.  And both
aren't that similar anyway.

3) I was going to add a test in Makefile.PL to decide if the above
import libraries get added to the Makefile via
ExtUtils::Depends->set_libs, it would end up looking something like
this (taken from a patch I have made to the Gtk2 Makefile.PL):

use Config;
if ( $^O =~ /Win32/ ) {
      $gtk2->set_libs (q(-L) . $Config{bin} . q( ) . $pkgcfg_gtk{libs}
              . q(-lGlibPerl -lCairoPerl));
} else {
      $gtk2->set_libs ($pkgcfg_gtk{libs});

Can someone think of a better way to do this?  Is this not worth
pursuing at all because?  Too much hassle?

This should be done by ExtUtils::Depends.  Specifically, find_extra_libs is
meant for this.

RCS file: /cvsroot/gtk2-perl/gtk2-perl-xs/ExtUtils-Depends/lib/ExtUtils/,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -r1.18
---  30 Mar 2008 15:36:23 -0000      1.18
+++  2 Aug 2008 12:45:00 -0000
@@ -302,7 +302,13 @@
        my %mappers = (
                MSWin32 => sub { $_[0] . '.lib' },
-               cygwin  => sub { 'lib' . $_[0] . '.dll.a'},
+               cygwin  => sub {
+                       '(?:' .
+                       'lib' . $_[0] . '.dll.a' .
+                       '|' .
+                       $_[0] . '.dll' .
+                       ')'
+               },
        my $mapper = $mappers{$^O};
        return () unless defined $mapper;

RCS file: /cvsroot/gtk2-perl/gtk2-perl-xs/Glib/,v
retrieving revision 1.34
diff -u -r1.34
---       30 Mar 2008 17:22:08 -0000      1.34
+++       1 Aug 2008 21:02:13 -0000
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
        # uses an obscene amount of ram on Gtk2's nearly 200 xs files.  Use
        # Storable unless the user really really wants to force us to fall
        # back to Data::Dumper.
-       if ($ENV{FORCE_DATA_DUMPER}) {
+       if ($ENV{FORCE_DATA_DUMPER} || $^O eq 'MSWin32') {
                $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1;
                print Data::Dumper->Dump([$parser->{xspods}, $parser->{data}],
                                       [qw($xspods            $data)]);

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