Re: chaining to superclass in CUSTOM_TAG_START

On Apr 18, 2008, at 5:39 PM, Kevin Ryde wrote:

When implementing GtkBuildable with a CUSTOM_TAG_START func like in the
program below, I seem to lose the base GtkWidget tags like
<acceleartor>.  Running it gives

   Unhandled tag: 'accelerator' at line 26.

Changing "MyThing" in the input string to "GtkButton" shows how I hoped
it would go, with 'x' as an accelerator key to press the button.

Do I do something special in CUSTOM_TAG_START to chain up to the
superclass's custom_tag_start?  The equivalent in C might be something

   buildable_parent_iface = g_type_interface_peek_parent (iface);
   if (buildable_parent_iface->custom_tag_start (...))
     return TRUE;

Wrapping that looks like hard work.  I wonder if a cheat could be a
special return value from CUSTOM_TAG_START that asks
gtk2perl_buildable_custom_tag_start to chain upwards.  (If that isn't
already possible and I've missed it ... :-)

Looks like you're right, there's not already a way to do it. I remember considering this problem when implementing the buildability, but can't find my notes on it.

With a bit of hacking, i can get your script to run, and i can verify that the parent class gets called (e.g., i can take out the "key" attribute and gtk+ complains at me)... but the accelerator doesn't work. I did this by noting that you didn't return a parser for the tag, and then peeking for the interface's parent interface and calling that, instead.

More troublesome, however, is that it looks like this will have to be implemented by hand for each vfunc, and some sort of protocol invented for each void vfunc. And then how do you decide on the semantics of when to chain up and when not?

The obvious thing, putting the control into the hands of the widget author, is just as irritiatingly complicated. You'd do this by looking for SUPER::METHOD_NAME in perl... however, we don't get an exact package name when you do this, and would have to resort to rather hairy heuristics and ruses to fake up a hierarchy to walk in order to allow deep derivation in perl. (That is, your perl Glib::Object class inherits from another perl Glib::Object class. We have to do rather deep black magic to get this to work in Gtk2::CellRenderer.)

All of that is too much for Friday night after a really rough week at $dayjob, so forgive me if i punt on that until another time.

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