Re: Gtk2: making a popup window on mouse click

On Jul 29, 2007, at 1:30 AM, Jamie Lahowetz wrote:

What I want to do is to have a the program run in a system tray. when the user left clicks the system tray icon the window ('popup') is set to show. Also, when the user left clicks on the system tray the window is hidden again. How can I get this to work? I have a small snippet of code that I a have started with:


#handles tray clicks
sub click {

    #left mouse button
    if ($_[1]->button == 1) {

        #Window show/hide controls

I think what you're looking for here is simply:

     if ($control_window) {
         $control_window = undef;
     } else {
         $control_window = make_control_window ();


    #right mouse button
    elsif ($_[1]->button == 3) {
    return 1;

#right click menu
sub menu {


    #popup menu, the three is for right mouse button

It's best to use $event->time $event->button here instead of undef.

#Program interfaces
sub interface {
    my $interface = Gtk2::Window->new('popup');

You almost certainly don't want 'popup'. For 99% of uses, you want 'toplevel'. A popup won't have window manager decorations, and will generally annoy your user.

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  -- Salvador Dali

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