Re: Non-ascii characters break Cairo's show_text

Torsten Schoenfeld kirjoitti:
You can use pango_layout_get_pixel_size() to avoid the divisions.

Even simpler.

Now that I've got Cairo working, I'll should soon be able to release a version of Gtk2::Ex::Geo, which is (almost) pure Perl. It will define a framework for geospatial data viewers (including overlaying data) and applications. I've got Gtk2::Ex::Geo:: classes which subclass Geo:: classes, which link to serious geospatial data libraries, but it should and will be possible to use Gtk2::Ex::Geo without them.

The most interesting widget is Gtk2::Ex::Geo::Overlay, which is a subclass of Gtk2::ScrolledWindow, and implements a kind of geo canvas for visualizing geospatial data and handling user interaction with that data (zoom, pan, select, query).

The almost part comes from the fact that I need to create and manage the cairo surfaces and gdk pixbufs a bit in xs so that I can exhange them with C routines. But that should be minimal.



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