Re: SimpleList scroll to end

On Jan 6, 2007, at 11:50 AM, zentara wrote:

I'm hitting a mental block today.
If i have a day when that doesn't happen, i get very worried.  :-P

I wanted to add a SimpleList to a ScrolledWindow,
then auto scroll to the end.
Is this auto scroll on *any* appended rows, or particular insertions?

The best, and incidentally rather easy, way is to connect to the row- inserted signal on the model and use scroll_to_cell() with the path of the last row. Or just place the two lines of code needed to do it at the place where you insert the rows -- which is what i did below.

use warnings;
use strict;
use Gtk2 qw/-init/;
use Gtk2::SimpleList;

my $count = 0;
my $win = Gtk2::Window->new;
$win->signal_connect( 'destroy' => sub{exit} );

I think you actually want set_default_size() here, not  
set_size_request() --- set_default_size() allows the user to shrink  
the window, if desired, while set_size_request() will not (normally).

my $sw = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new (undef, undef);
$sw->set_policy ('automatic', 'automatic');
my $ha1 = $sw->get_vadjustment;

my $list = Gtk2::SimpleList->new('test' => 'int',);
Glib::Timeout->add(500, \&update, $list);

sub update{
        my $list = shift;
        push @{$list->{data}},rand $count++;
        # bad hack
Nuke that line, replace with this:

        # find the path of the last row in the model.
        my $path = Gtk2::TreePath->new_from_indices
                        (scalar (@{ $list->{data} }) - 1);
        # the scalar-of-array is actually just a tie() wrapper for
        #    n_rows = $list->get_model->iter_n_children (undef);

        # now scroll to that row.  let all of the other parameters
        # default, because we don't need them.
        $list->scroll_to_cell ($path);

       return 1;

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