Re: GtkGLExt

On Wed, 7 Feb 2007 16:50:04 +0100
"Jeffrey Ratcliffe" <jeffrey ratcliffe gmail com> wrote:

On 07/02/07, Jeffrey Ratcliffe <jeffrey ratcliffe gmail com> wrote:
According to their website (,
there are Gtk2 OpenGL bindings for Python.

Is there anything equivalent for Perl?

make then fails with

/usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error:
blib/arch/auto/Gtk2/GLExt/ undefined symbol:

Any ideas?

Well Perl - SDL  has working OpenGL. You could probably
use that.  There are some nice tutorial examples in the
SDL_Perl-2.1.3/test  subdir.

I know you can run Tk apps in parallel with Gtk2
by running a do_one_loop in a timer, so both MainLoops
appear to run.

You probably could do the same thing with SDL's mainloop.
You would run the Gtk2 Mainloop as the controller, the have it 
run a timer, that does a do_one_sdl_loop. 


I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.

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