Re: StatusIcon error

Cool to see some old code from me here :-)

Anyway, StatusIcon is not yet supported in the latest Gtk2 for ActivePerl afaik.
To create a icon in the windows statusbar, try this code:

if ($w32) {
    my $main = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
            -name => 'Main',
            -text => 'Perl',
            -width => 0,
            -height => 0
    $trayicon = new Win32::GUI::Icon('glade/BeeHive.ico');
    my $ni = $main->AddNotifyIcon(
        -name => "NI",
        -icon => $trayicon,
        -tip => "Gtk2 BitlBee"

Btw, you might want to download the latest stable version of Gtk2 BitlBee here:
There are more changes coming in a month or so.

On 8/14/07, Jamie Lahowetz <deadpickle gmail com> wrote:
I have been trying to get Gtk2::SatusIcon to work correctly. I am using ActivePerl with Gtk2 1.141 compiled with gtk+ runtime environment 2.10.11 and when I go to run a script using Gtk2::StatusIcon I get the error "Can't locate object method "new" via package "Gtk2::StatusIcon" at line 7" where the line in question is "my $icon = Gtk2::StatusIcon->new();". Any idea on whats going on?


use Gtk2 '-init';
use strict;

my $icon = Gtk2::StatusIcon->new();

$icon->signal_connect('popup-menu' => sub { show_icon_menu($icon); } );
$icon->set_tooltip('Gtk2 BitlBee, Bzzzz...');
print "StatusIcon loaded\n";

sub show_icon_menu {
       my $menu = Gtk2::Menu->new();
       my $menuitem = Gtk2::MenuItem->new('Preferences');

       my $nicksitem = Gtk2::MenuItem->new('Nicks');

       my $allnicks = new Gtk2::Menu->new();

       my @nicks = ('foo', 'bar', 'me', 'you');

       foreach my $nick (@nicks) {
               my $nickitem = Gtk2::MenuItem->new($nick);


       $menuitem->signal_connect('activate', sub { print "Click\n"; });
       $menu->popup(undef, undef, sub { return
Gtk2::StatusIcon::position_menu($menu, 0, 0, $icon); }, [1,1], 0, 0 );



Jamie Lahowetz
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