Re: signal for an image

Hi Emmanuele,

En ce jour du Wed, 17 May 2006 19:00:40 +0100,
Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi gmail com> parlait ainsi :
i have a seemingly simple question . I'd like to click on an image
(Gtk2::Image presumably) and have something happening (another image
appearing) .
How do i do that ? Is there a container in which to add the image to that
will grab the signal ?
Put the Gtk2::Image inside a Gtk2::EventBox and connect to its
'button-press-signal'; you might need to use Gtk2::Widget::add_events on
the event box, to add the 'button-press-mask'.
I suspected that , hence my 'Is there a container in which to add the
image to that will grab the signal' , but i could wait for the answer ,
having other things to do in the meantime .

But this means one thing : damn' the documentation about the event box is
really lame that i couldn't understand (because i read it) it was what i
needed .

Thanks a lot BTW ,

cheers !


David 'lacravate'
lacravate mongueurs net
tresorier mongueurs net

Perl en France

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