Re: trouble with reading from pipes

On Wed, 25 Jan 2006 12:42:31 -0600
Daniel Davidson <danield igb uiuc edu> wrote:

This may be a problem with my understanding of perl and not with GTK,
but here goes anyway.

In my program I create three pairs of pipes:


which I plan to use to get information from forked functions.

I also set up a watcher to notice when one of these pipes are written to
by the child process.

$tag = Gtk2::Helper->add_watch(fileno($fractread), 'in', \&setstatus);
sub setstatus{
     Gtk2->main_iteration while Gtk2->events_pending;
     print "in status\n";
        return 1;  #so callback continues


And finally in the child process I print to the pipe.
     print $fractwrite $count/$totaldays;
     print $statuswrite "Populating Database $count of $totaldays

Only problem is that nothing ever happens, even though I know the child
process is running.  Any ideas what I am screwing up?

It just so happens today I was studying the Chapter cover Gtk2::Helper.

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