progress, statusbar, update


In my GUI the user calls by clicking a button a subroutine which looks like this:

sub details {
   my @par = @_;
   my @IDs = @{$par[1]};
   $status -> push($cont_id,"Open report...");
   Gtk2 -> main_iteration;
   foreach (@IDs){
       push (@temp_pdfs, &make_pdf);
   $status -> pop($cont_id);

1. The make_pdf subroutine in the foreach loop creates a pdf file and opens it in the Acrobat Reader. This process takes a while and therefore I want to let the user know of the progress. At first I wanted to set the comment in the statusbar. But it doesn't appear in the GUI. Is there something wrong with using Gtk2 -> main_iteration?

2. In addition I thought of putting a progressbar (activity mode) in the right corner of the statusbar. I already tried to implement such a bar, but I had the same problem with getting it updated during the process.

Can someone help me solving these problems?


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