Form manager


I recently discovered the pleasures of working with Gtk2::UIManager. I like it so much that I dropped backward compatibility for gtk < 2.4.0 for my applications.

Now I'm thinking of a module which I would call Gtk2::Ex::FormManager (although suggestions are welcome), which would do for my preferences dialog what uimanager does for the menu- and toolbar.

The idea is to have an array that defines name/type/default etc. of the options (similar to actions for uimanager) and a xml layout that arranges these options within the dialog. Thirdly there would be a hash that contains the actual values of these options. Probably the hash would need to be a tied object in order to allow code to be executed when an option changes.

One of the advantages would be that plugins for my application could easily define the options they have, and expose these to the user without containing any real Gtk code, similar to how UIManager allows them to define and expose actions without actual Gtk code.

Is this something other people on this list might be interested in or did I overlook similar modules or solutions that make this module redundant?
Any feedback is welcome.

-- Jaap <pardus can org>

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