Re: outputting pdf with Cairo 0.3

On Fri, 2006-02-10 at 12:26 -0500, zentara wrote:

Does anyone have an example of outputting pdf
from Cairo? It says in the docs it supports pdf
output, but I can only find png output.

It's as simple as creating a Cairo::PdfSurface and remembering to call
show_page when you're finished:

  use Cairo;

  my $surface = Cairo::PdfSurface->create ("tmp.pdf", 2*72.0, 1*72.0);
  my $cr = Cairo::Context->create ($surface);

  $cr->move_to (20, 40);
  $cr->select_font_face ("Sans", "normal", "bold");
  $cr->set_font_size (20);
  $cr->show_text ("Hi there!");


(Keep in mind that the text rendering functionality cairo provides is
called a "toy API" for a reason.  Use pango's cairo glue to get better
results should you need them.)


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