Re: Issues with iconview

On 1/30/06, muppet <scott asofyet org> wrote:
IconView is a natively-scrollable widget.  As such, it typically
takes as much space as it is given, and appears to request only some
minimal amount.  You're adding the IconView to a box and then adding
the box to a ScrolledWindow with a viewport.  Is that really what you
want?  If this works correctly, it will cause the labels to scroll
with the IconView, which tends to be rather disorienting.

That actually is the behaviour that I am seeking. I am trying to cook
up a photo manager app and I want the right side pane in that to
behave like what picasa does. Right side pane will show each
photogroup with a header-label and a list of thumbnails under them. I
want all of these sets to be in a scrolledwindow and when I scroll,
the label along with the thumbnails should scroll to show the next
photogroup. I am using iconview for the thumbnail set.

If that layout is really what you want, you can get the viewport to
behave as expected by giving a size request to the icon view (e.g.,
$iconview->set_size_request (100, 400)), but this then requires you
to come up with some numbers.

Is there anyway to "turn off" the native scrolling ? If
$iconview->set_size_request is the only way to go, any tricks on how I
can figure out the correct values of size , for example by knowing the
size and count of the thumbnails ?



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