Re: missing method in Gtk2::Ex::Simple::List

On Dec 27, 2006, at 8:43 AM, Jens Luedicke wrote:

I tried to use

my $row_ref = $sl->get_row_data_from_path ($path);

but I get an error that the method of that name
is missing:

Can't locate object method "get_row_data_from_path" via package

Ouch. That method is adjacent to code that was moved to another module when it was split, so that may just have been collateral damage. Also looks like the changes that have happened to Gtk2::SimpleList since the branch did not make it into Gtk2::Ex::Simple::List.

Applied those diffs to HEAD just now. List/lib/Gtk2/Ex/Simple/

... and updated the Browse CVS link on the website.

It will be a short while, however, before i can get a new release out.

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