Re: display/update a jpeg image?

On Tue, 19 Dec 2006 16:04:02 -0600
"Colin Anderson" <canderson minotstateu edu> wrote:

I am trying to make a simple image viewer application. My script reads in the file names from a directory of 
.jpg images and uses these names to fill a List widget. I would like to display the first image in the list 
by default and have that image updated/replaced every time another image is selected from the List widget. 
How do I go about doing this? Is there some sample code I could reference? I have done some searching in the 
tutorials and docs, but can only find very basic pixmap examples.

Hi, this dosn't use a list widget, I just create a circular list and let
you cycle thru them with the left/right arrow keys. The filenames
are displayed in the title.

I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.

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