Re: API documentation

muppet wrote:

For starters, in the XS file we use a custom dialect of POD with some special
keys understood by our documentation generator.  The Glib::GenPod manpage will
have more info, but for the most part, just follow the lead of whatever's
there, and if necessary, we'll clean up your patch.  (Actually, i probably
will, because i've been maintaining Gnome2::Canvas.)

I've downloaded some xs files:

-rw-r--r--  1 james james 17402 2005-09-21 16:19 GnomeCanvas.xs
-rw-r--r--  1 james james  7508 2005-09-21 15:04 GnomeCanvasItem.xs
-rw-r--r--  1 james james  2695 2005-09-21 15:02 GnomeCanvasRichText.xs

but I don't see all of the documentation. Where is the documentation for the Gnome2::Canvas::Text properties coming from? Did I miss something? This is where I picked up the documentation from:


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