Gtk2 1.100 (stable)

Gtk2 is a Perl extension providing Perl bindings to the 2.x series of  
the Gtk+ graphical user interface library.  This module allows you to  
write graphical user interfaces in a perlish and object-oriented way,  
freeing you from the casting and memory management in C, yet remaining 
very close in spirit to original API.  Find out more about Gtk+ at , and about Gtk2-Perl at .

The source code is available from the gtk2-perl project page on  

...and from anonymous cvs, tagged "rel-1-10-0" in the directory  
/gtk2-perl-xs/Gtk2 .

This module requires these other modules and libraries:

   perl >= 5.8.0
   Glib >= 1.100 (perl module)
   GTK+ > 2.x (C library and prerequisites)

In order to build it from source, you'll also need

   ExtUtils::Depends >= 0.2
   ExtUtils::PkgConfig >= 1.03
   development headers for gtk+ and friends

Overview of changes in Gtk2 1.100

 Since 1.08x (the previous stable series)

  * Add new API in Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf, Gtk2::Gdk::PixbufFormat,
    Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor, Gtk2::Gdk::Display, Gtk2::Gdk::Screen,
    Gtk2::Gdk::Window, Gtk2::Gdk::X11, Gtk2::Dialog, Gtk2::Dnd,
    Gtk2::EntryCompletion, Gtk2::FileChooser, Gtk2::IconView, Gtk2::Image,
    Gtk2::MenuBar, Gtk2::MenuShell, Gtk2::ScrolledWindow, Gtk2::SizeGroup,
    Gtk2::Stock, Gtk2::TextIter, Gtk2::ToolButton, Gtk2::TreeModel,
    Gtk2::TreeView, Gtk2::TreeViewColumn and Gtk2::Window.
  * Fix Gtk2::show_about_dialog to actually cache the dialog instance.
  * Make it possible to change a Gtk2::SimpleList's model.
  * Turn Gtk2::Widget::window into a mutator.
  * Make it possible to implement GtkTreeSortable, GtkTreeDragSource and
    GtkTreeDragDest interfaces.
  * Add support for the grab-broken event.
  * Turn Gtk2::CodeGen into a thin wrapper around Glib::CodeGen.
  * Make Gtk2::Dialog::set_alternative_button_order() accept string constants.

 Since 1.093
  * Fix some pointer signedness warnings.  [muppet]
  * Fix up some bad version checks.  [Marc Brockschmidt]

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