missing ComboBox method

My Gtk2::ComboBox objects seem to be missing the get_active_text method. I'm going to submit a bug report and all, but I figured I'd provide the list with the menial filler code:

  sub Gtk2::ComboBox::get_active_text {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $model = $self->get_model;

If you're considering subclassing Gtk2::ComboBox to add this method, be advised that you'll have another hoop to jump through: Gtk2::ComboBox's new_text method doesn't do class inheritence properly:

  package MyCombo;
  @ISA = qw( Gtk2::ComboBox );

  package main;
  my $c = MyCombo->new_text;
  print ref $c;

prints Gtk2::ComboBox instead of MyCombo.  The work-around is simple:

  package MyCombo;

  sub new_text {
    my $class = shift;
    bless $class->SUPER::new_text(@_), $class;

but again, I decided to just trample Gtk2::ComboBox's namespace.

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