Re: Gtk2::GladeXML: signals not connecting

On Jun 3, 2005, at 7:30 AM, Jon Mitchell wrote:

I'm having a similar problem - but with Gtk2::GladeXML 1.004. I'm trying
to connect a button_pressed signal to a Gtk2::Image, and the signal
handler isn't being called.

Also, if I try and manually attached a signal, it still doesn't work. Am
I missing something about this type of widget, and button_pressed and
button_released events?

GtkImage is a NO_WINDOW widget, which means it has no GdkWindow, and therefore cannot receive input events.

Pack the image into a GtkEventBox, and connect the signals to the event box, instead.

He's so good, you're gonna rock, and if you don't rock, it's your own fault.
  -- kk, describing the perks of having a very good drummer.

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