Gtk2 1.092 (unstable)

Gtk2 is a Perl extension providing Perl bindings to the 2.x series of  
the Gtk+ graphical user interface library.  This module allows you to  
write graphical user interfaces in a perlish and object-oriented way,  
freeing you from the casting and memory management in C, yet remaining 
very close in spirit to original API.  Find out more about Gtk+ at , and about Gtk2-Perl at .

This is an unstable development release of Gtk2, containing new
features and other cool stuff that have been added since the 1.08x
stable series.  The API is frozen in accordance with the Gnome 2.12
schedule.  Report any bugs to gtk-perl-list AT gnome DOT org as soon as
possible.  Please use the stable 1.08x series for important work.

The source code is available from the gtk2-perl project page on  

...and from anonymous cvs, tagged "rel-1-09-2" in the directory  
/gtk2-perl-xs/Gtk2 .

This module requires these other modules and libraries:

   perl >= 5.8.0
   Glib >= 1.092 (perl module)
   GTK+ > 2.x (C library and prerequisites)

In order to build it from source, you'll also need

   ExtUtils::Depends >= 0.2
   ExtUtils::PkgConfig >= 1.03
   development headers for gtk+ and friends

Overview of changes in Gtk2 1.092

* Fix Gtk2::show_about_dialog to actually cache the dialog instance.  [muppet]
* Make it possible to change a Gtk2::SimpleList's model.  [muppet]
* Turn Gtk2::Widget::window into a mutator.  [Torsten]
* Fix a few test suite issues and add some new tests.  [Torsten, muppet]
* Make it possible to implement the GtkTreeSortable, GtkTreeDragSource and
  GtkTreeDragDest interfaces.  [Torsten, muppet]
* Add new API in:  [Torsten]
  - Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor,
  - Gtk2::Gdk::Display,
  - Gtk2::Gdk::Screen,
  - Gtk2::Gdk::Window,
  - Gtk2::Gdk::X11,
  - Gtk2::Dialog,
  - Gtk2::Dnd,
  - Gtk2::EntryCompletion,
  - Gtk2::IconView (yay, d'n'd support!),
  - Gtk2::Image,
  - Gtk2::MenuBar,
  - Gtk2::MenuShell,
  - Gtk2::ScrolledWindow,
  - Gtk2::SizeGroup,
  - Gtk2::Stock,
  - Gtk2::TextIter,
  - Gtk2::ToolButton,
  - Gtk2::Window.
* Add support for the grab-broken event.  [Torsten]
* Fix the signature of Gtk2::Gdk::PixbufLoader::new_with_type and
  Gtk2::Gdk::PixbufLoader::new_with_mime_type.  Add
  Gtk2::Gdk::PixbufLoader::get_format.  [muppet]

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