Re: Gtk2::TextBuffer 'changed' signal

muppet wrote:

works for me. Darwin, gtk+ 2.2.4, gtk2-perl HEAD,

Don't tease me. I'm *still* trying to get gtk2-perl running on OS X. I'm actually burning DVDs of data now so I can reformat and reinstall Gentoo onto it so I can actually do some work on the Powerbook instead of just read slashdot...

as well as Linux gtk+ 2.6.2, gtk2-perl 1.072 (last thing i compiled against gnome 2.9). test program below.

Yeah your test program works.

Are you sure that the TextBuffer to which you're connecting the signal is the same one that's attached to the TextView when you are editing?

And yes this was the problem. The textbuffer was being replaced with a new one each time I moved to a new record.

Thanks muppet :)

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
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