Re: GTk Install

Gallagher Timothy-TIMOTHYG said:
I tried  to do a simple gtk example
from the Perl-GTK tutorial from  Stephen Wilhelm.  This is the "GoodBy
world" example but I keep getting errors that looks like I do not have
perl-gtk installed correctly.  Here is the error that I get:

"Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: c:/Perl/lib c:/Perl/site/lib .)
.pl line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 1."

Can someone please help?

Wilhelm's tutorial is for Gtk-Perl, the bindings for gtk+ 1.x.  For the most
part, the basic GTK+ concepts are the same, but the code examples will not
work as written with Gtk2-Perl.  Luckily, the work of porting is minimal. 
Change "use Gtk;" to "use Gtk2;", "Gtk::Window" to "Gtk2::Window", etc. 
Signal connections changed significantly (for the better).  More info here:

There are links to tutorials and other documentation specific to Gtk2-Perl on
the project website:

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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