Re: Installing ExtUtils:::PkgConfig on windows

Sorry for the late reply, was just going through my mailing list
archives and found this thread. As I managed to compile gtk2-perl
stuff under MSWin32, I thought it would be nice to make it (binary
packages) publicly available. It's 1.062 / 1.004 and it goes under "it
works for me" motto:

Few building notes:
Gtk2 has been built with -O2 (speed) and -G6 (pentium mmx) options. I
had to modify its Makefile.PL for @xs_files to something like:
while(<xs/*.xs>) { push @xs_files, $_ unless /X11/ } because its
"vanilla" implementation did not work on Win32 and i was too lazy to
look deeper into it. :-/
Glib needs stripping spaces in Makefile near Mksymlists line to avoid
"command line too long" horror. Easily done with vim or perl, etc.
Regarding the bug posted it this thread's first email with ExtUtils
packages, they don't hang, a simple <Enter> suffices. Newer versions,
however, don't require this "extra" <Return>. :)

perl -MLWP::Simple -e'print$_[rand(split(q|%%\n|,

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