Re: Gtk2::Ex::TreeMaker - 0.05 is now available !

When trying to install this package, I got the error:

$ perl Makefile.PL
Could not open 'lib\Gtk2\Ex\': No such file or directory
at /usr/share/perl/5.8/ExtUtils/ line 3062.
# Looks like your test died before it could output anything.

I edited the Makefile.PL and replaced the /'s with \'s in the

--- Makefile.PL.orig    2005-02-05 12:59:24.000000000 -0500
+++ Makefile.PL 2005-02-05 12:59:40.000000000 -0500
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
     NAME                => 'Gtk2::Ex::TreeMaker',
     AUTHOR              => 'Ofey Aikon <ofey_aikon yahoo com>',
-    VERSION_FROM        => 'lib\Gtk2\Ex\',
-    ABSTRACT_FROM       => 'lib\Gtk2\Ex\',
+    VERSION_FROM        => 'lib/Gtk2/Ex/',
+    ABSTRACT_FROM       => 'lib/Gtk2/Ex/',
     PL_FILES            => {},
     PREREQ_PM => {
         'Test::More' => 0,

$ perl Makefile.PL
WARNING: Setting ABSTRACT via file 'lib/Gtk2/Ex/' failed
 at /usr/share/perl/5.8/ExtUtils/ line 606
Writing Makefile for Gtk2::Ex::TreeMaker

So the makefile was created at least and now I'm able to install and use
this great looking widget.

Kevin C. Krinke <kckrinke opendoorsoftware com>
Open Door Software Inc.

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