Re: Gtk2::Ex::MarkupTextBuffer

As per muppet's suggestion (off-list), I've used XML::Parser and I'm
surprised at how easy this was once I found the 'Style => "Tree"'
option. :)

The module is only 6k compressed so I'm assuming it's alright for an
initial list post.

Everything works as expected with the exception of the <sub> and <sup>
tags. According to Gtk2::TextTag documentation, set_markup() should be
setting the 'rise' attribute to a negative value for subscript or a
positive value for superscript. Currently, this does nothing for me in
the examples/ If anyone's got any ideas on what to do for sub/sup
I'd really like to know :)

If/when all is well with this module I'll submit it to CPAN and import
it into the cvs.


Kevin C. Krinke <kckrinke opendoorsoftware com>
Open Door Software Inc.

Attachment: Gtk2-Ex-MarkupTextBuffer-0.00.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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