Gtk2::StatusIcon 0.010 (unstable)

Hi all.

In my recent effort to wrap some of the stuff in libegg, here's
another binding for a module of that library.

Gtk2::StatusIcon binds the EggStatusIcon object, which is a more
complex and powerful widget to be placed inside the notification area
than the Gtk2::TrayIcon object.

The binding is complete, and uses the latest CVS snapshot (made today,
wrapped up in less than an hour of hacking) of libegg/tray; it
features a Perl porting of the test program present in the CVS.

You might find the tarball here:

I also plan to create a binding for the desktop-entries module in
libegg, in the next couple of days.

[my kudos to all the gtk2-perl team: creating a complete and working
binding in less than an hour is just incredible]


It is against the grain of modern education to teach children to program.
What fun is there in making plans, acquiring discipline in organizing
thoughts, devoting attention to detail, and learning to be self-critical?
                -- Alan Perlis

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