Re: Where is Gtk2-GLExt?

On Mon, 2004-10-25 at 15:56, SilvioCVdeAlmeida wrote:

I did not find Gtk2-GLExt on Gtk2 main webpage at It seems to be in CVS tough. What the official
location and status of Gtk2-GLExt are?

i (should) work, but i dropped it mainly due to lack of decent opengl
bindings for perl. there are several on cpan only one of which i could
get to build and it wasn't very fully featured. didn't offer any
mechanisms for text etc. if something has changed with the opengl
bindings let me know and i'll consider doing a release in whatever state
it's in. if someone out there is interested in becoming the maintainer
of the Gtk2-GLExt module speak up.


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