Names in Glade XML files must be unique?

Hi all.

I've just experienced some pretty weird behaviour when using Glade XML files. It seems that Gtk2::GladeXML's get_widget() will get hold of the *first* object if finds with the given name ( outside of it's "scope" ) instead of selecting the right one.

For example, I have 2 windows. In Glade, they're called "MainMenu" and "Batches".
In Perl, I create them:

$mainmenu = Gtk2::GladeXML->new($gladefile, "MainMenu");

$batches = Gtk2::GladeXML->new($gladefile, "Batches");

Now, my MainMenu form has a *button* on it, called "Batches" ... because it's the batches button, which opens the batches form.

If I try to get hold of the "Batches" window, via:


I instead get the Batches *button*, on the MainMenu form.

I realise I can get around this by using unique names ( eg calling the button btnBatches or something ), but still ... shouldn't the work? How is the $batches object getting hold of something on the $mainmenu object?

Any plans to fix this behaviour?

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989
email: dkasak nusconsulting com au
Title: CanIt Vote for ID 114434

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