Re: GUI-less app to capture key_press_events only

On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 05:06:56PM +0200, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
If you're wondering why I don't just read from standard input,
it is because I want to capture when the control key is
pressed.  That is, the control key is pressed by itself.  I
also want to do the same for the shift key and mod key.

That sounds like what you want is curses. There is a wrapper
module for that on CPAN.

Actually the issue is related to the module: the problem is that
Curses does NOT trigger an event by pressing the control (or shift or mod) key
by itself.  I fumbled my way through building a very simple Gtk2 app which did
recognize the event.  But that little test app had a Gtk window, and I want to
get away from having any window.

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