Re: style of Gtk2::ToggleToolButton

On Mon, 4 Oct 2004 18:55:28 +0200, A. Pagaltzis said:

* Florian Schaefer <listbox netego de> [2004-10-04 18:00]:
How do I create a ToggleButton in a toolbar that displays
either text, an icon, or an icon with text, thus emulating the
desired behaviour?

Judging from your previous code and this question, I'd say you
want to create a new stock item.

Hmm, I tend to think that using the whole stock item procedure for one
button might be overkill. The rest of the buttons are created with those

$tb_item1 = $toolbar->append_item("Label", "Tooltip", "",&new_pixmap("pixmap.xpm", $window, $bg));

What I can do with the ToggleToolButton right now, is to display text
only (just setting a label) and to display text-and-icon (with
->set_icon_widget). However, displaying only an icon is tricky as the
space for the label is still reserved, even if it's just "". Can't I
somehow hide the label widget?


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