Re: Gtk2::SimpleList

Hi :)

En ce jour du Sat, 29 May 2004 17:58:16 +0200,
"David lacravate" <lacravate mongueurs net> parlait ainsi :
Now , here is the question :
Once you have set editable a column , how do you know that a cell was
altered ?
With recalling that Gtk2::SimpleList inherits from Gtk2::TreeView and that
you can get the Gtk2::TreeModel easily from it with the get_model() method

Afterwards , it is so easy to bind the TreeModel with the "row-changed"
signal ...

It is positively astounding how it is neatly designed ! 

And Bravo for the reference , espcially the inheritance tree ! :)

David 'lacravate'
lacravate mongueurs net
tresorier mongueurs net

Perl en France

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