muppet wrote:in gtk+ 2.4, there are new object that will make it easier to do what you (Daniel) are talking about --- GtkComboBox sucks less than GtkCombo, and GtkEntry now has a helper object called GtkEntryCompletion, which, oddly enough, does text completion.Damn it! Glade doesn't support that yet. From : We'll try to add support for the new widgets in GTK+ 2.4 but that will be about it.I have all the above pre-requisites though. When I get time ( between fixing bloody MS Access garbage here ) I'll try just leaving an empty space for a GtkComboBox in the glade file and inserting it in via code when the thing loads up. Straying off-topic a little ... does anyone know how smooth the move to Perl bindings for Glade 3 will be ( assuming it happens at all )? --
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