Hi all. I realise that this is not strictly a PerlGTK questions, but maybe someone knows anyway. I've got a GTKCombo box that I'm loading data into with $mycombo->set_popdown_strings(@list_of_companies). The combo box will contain a list of all of our clients - it's a pretty large list. Is it possible to have the combo box seek the closest match to what you type in the entry box ( yeah, like Access ). It would make things a lot faster for the girl doing the data entry - who doesn't have this form yet, but will complain loudly when she gets it. If this is not possible, are there any alternatives? To show I've thought a little about this ... I suppose I could run some code each time a character is added / deleted from the entry box that matches the current text against @list_of_companies and updates the combo box accordingly. Would I use a loop and a regex _expression_ to test each value and dump each string that matches in another array, and then finally dump this array into the combo box? Or something like that? Thanks! Dan --
IT Developer NUS Consulting Group Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060 T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989 email: dkasak nusconsulting com au website: http://www.nusconsulting.com.au |