error when building Gtk2-perl


just posting the outputs...

perl Makefile.PL:

root hydra:/work/compile/Gtk2-1.0391# perl Makefile.PL
found package "gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0", using it
xs_files-2.0 lists 134 xs files
xs_files-2.2 lists 4 xs files
congratulations, you're building on X11!
found package "pango", using it
Including ApiDoc pod.
unhandled type GTK_TYPE_IDENTIFIER GtkIdentifier GString Gtk2::Identifier
loaded 322 type definitions from maps-2.0
loaded 4 type definitions from maps-2.2
loaded 36 type definitions from maps-2.4
   28 GBoxed
  112 GEnum
    3 GError
   30 GFlags
   16 GInterface
   66 GObject
  106 GtkObject
    1 unhandled
found Glib in /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.0/Glib/Install
writing build/
Unrecognized argument in LIBS ignored: '-Wl,--export-dynamic'
Unrecognized argument in LIBS ignored: '-pthread'
Writing Makefile for Gtk2



root hydra:/work/compile/Gtk2-1.0391# make
/usr/bin/perl /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/ExtUtils/xsubpp -noprototypes 
-typemap /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/ExtUtils/typemap 
-typemap /work/compile/Gtk2-1.0391/build/gtk2perl.typemap 
-typemap /work/compile/Gtk2-1.0391/gdk.typemap 
-typemap /work/compile/Gtk2-1.0391/gtk.typemap 
-typemap /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.0/Glib/Install/typemap  xs/GdkEvent.xs > 
xs/GdkEvent.xsc && mv xs/GdkEvent.xsc xs/GdkEvent.c
Error: 'char_ornull *' not in typemap in GdkEvent.xs, line 1582
Error: 'char_ornull *' not in typemap in GdkEvent.xs, line 1596
make: *** [xs/GdkEvent.c] Error 1

What does that mean? How can I fix this problem?


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