Re: GConf question

* James Curbo <james teyandei net>:

$client->set_list($app_key, 'string', \ data);
my $outdata = $client->get_list($app_key);

[Thanks for testing lists: I've done my test cases, but more testing is
always welcome.]

You should not do this, at any rate: you should always attach a notify
callback in order to check the changes. The changes inside the GConf
database are committed when the user daemon "decides" so; there's no way
to guarantee that these changes apply immediately (especially since
those changes are stored inside a filesystem, with latencies and such),
and that calling a get right after a set returns correct data.

This should always work, as this is the way it should be done:

        $client->notify_add("/apps/curboj/", sub {
                        my ($client, $cnxn_id, $entry) = @_;

                        print Dumper($entry->{value});
        $client->set_list($app_key, 'string', \ data);


Emmanuele Bassi (Zefram)                 [ ]
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